Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1/2 time is better than full time...

Getting the room ready!
....when you're talking about bed rest that is!  Yesterday at my weekly Dr's appointment things went pretty well.  My cervix is still a bit short so they have me on 1/2 time bed rest, but I'm feeling fortunate that it's not full time!  At least I can still get out occasionally!  They also did a fetal fibronectin test that is supposed to detect whether or not I'll go into labor in the next couple of weeks and that came back negative, so that was great news.  The best part of the day was the Non Stress Test where they get a base heart rate for the babies, and check to see if they are having an adequate amount of movement and if their heart rate increases when they move.  Both babies passed with flying colors, so to me it's just another sign that McKinley is hanging right in there with her brother. :)
Next week is a big week for us.  On Tuesday we have our growth ultrasound at Evergreen in the morning, a meeting with the genetic counselor after that, and our echocardiogram at Children's that afternoon.  We are praying desperately that the Dr's at Children's will not see what the Dr's at Evergreen saw.  We are praying for a clean bill of health on McKinley's heart.  Please join us in that prayer request!!  Then on Thursday I have my first appointment with my OB since all the news we've gotten about McKinley so I'm sure we'll be discussing a plan for my delivery, whether it will have to be a c-section or not and whether they'll schedule my delivery or let me go as long as I can.  So, next week we'll probably be getting a lot of answers!  Thank you for your continued prayers for us and our babies.

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