Ugh |
So first, an update on McKinley. Her kidney is doing great. We had a scare a couple of months ago where her levels jumped drastically, but little did we know that she was coming down with that terrible stomach bug that everyone has had, plus a small growth spurt and was probably a little dehydrated so it's now more under control. Her levels are deteriorating a little bit, but the Dr's are reminding me that that will continue to happen as she grows. As she grows, her kidney will likely not be able to keep up meaning her levels will deteriorate. However, that doesn't stop me from praying for a miracle!
What we're struggling with now is TERRIBLE diaper rash. The worst I've ever seen. Multiple open, bloody wounds, need I say more? She can't sit, walk,'s not a good situation. We're desperately trying to get her bowl movements under control so that she can stool once per day as opposed to all day long. Literally, all day long. (Like how I didn't say poop in that last sentence? I'm trying to be more "adult" sounding :)) We just started a new medication regimen that seems to be making a bit of a difference so we're hoping that will help get it all under control. Fingers are crossed and prayers are appreciated!
That brings me to my next topic. Diapers. Whether you care or not, here is MY opinion. :) For newborns, Pampers or Luv's. Which is funny because one is expensive and one is pretty cheap. But from my experience, they're pretty much the same. Both are soft but not necessarily very absorbent. So they are comfy for tiny babies that you change often or that are going to blow out of any diaper no matter what it is. But by the time your child is 3-6 months in my opinion, it's Huggies all the way! The diapers are a little stiffer but those suckers hold in even the worst of over watered kidney diseased babies pees! I haven't yet found anything better. Maybe Kirkland Signature diapers from Costco, they're pretty comparable. Target's brand Up and Up diapers aren't too bad either. Don't buy the Babies R Us brand. They're excitingly cheap, but worthless. For overnight diapers, no surprise here, Huggies Overnights! They don't keep McKinley dry all night; but they definitely keep her dryer than any other overnight diaper we've tried. And for what it's worth, the Carter's crib sheets that we bought when she was born have lasted through daily washes (again, not exaggerating, probably over 300 washes each since we have a couple sets). So those were a great purchase! And if you have a baby with a feeding tube, or one that you don't want to get out of their crib (not totally sure this works for that but I've heard it from other parent's and it kind of makes sense), have them sleep in the Halo Sleep Sacks. McKinley is just now growing out of the XL sack so I just ordered the ones that have feet sewn into them. We'll see how they work. For the feeding tube it's great because they zip from top to bottom so you can run the tube through the bottom so it doesn't twist and rub as much. For not getting out of the crib, they can't lift their leg and swing it over the top so it seems like it would work. McKinley's still in her crib at least and she's pretty resourceful :)
So there's my opinion on diapers, crib sheets and sleep wear. I'm pretty opinionated so that felt good. And I'm totally open to any one's suggestions for diaper rash care, nighttime absorbency, feeding tube management...I sometimes feel like I've tried it all but I still find new things out every once and a while, and I'll try anything! Comment on this blog if you have an ideas/suggestion. Until next time....
okay...let me see if I have any tips. First I can feel your pain. My boys are 15 months apart so i feel like I am constantly going through the same stages over and over :/ for diaper rash nothing is better than A&D ointment(not the white cream though the yellow ointment one) . Use it all day long. Lather up front and back :) potty training. We did the 3 day potty book camp for both boys (let me reiterate BOYS) and they were both fully potty trained day and night after 3 days...well 5 for trevor but he's the oldest. if you're interested in learning about it....FB me or call if you have my number:) For McKinley I highly recommend not putting her on the potty for such long durations. She'll start hating the toilet and will rebel. This is what happened to Trevor when we tried potty training the first time. What I've heard is best for this is make a routine for when to sit on the potty. right when they wake up, after her first beveragen after breakfast, before snack, before lunch...and so on...whatever you can do every day at the same time, so she starts to remember " I go potty after breakfast" "I go potty before snack" and it becomes her daily routine. Hope something I wrote helps.
ReplyDeleteTry coconut oil for the rash. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and antibacterial. I use it on Ethan, who is sensitive to everything and has had eczema since forever. It's really helping there. I use it every day for my skin as well, and have noticed a difference in some of my issues (little bumps on the back of my arms forever, they're gone!). Once it hits the skin, it melts into a thin oil, so it won't slather like the A&D, but it's more than just a barrier, which A&D really just is.
ReplyDeleteI actually use it for just about everything... I'm that girl! Cured Jude's severe dry scalp in one treatment... helps with, uh hmm, lady issues... deodorant... face wash... moisturizer... cooking. You name it! Good luck Mama! You're doing a great job no matter what your bathroom looks like!!