Reading with Papa after being home from the hospital for only a couple of hours |
McKinley's surgery was a huge success! We are blown away by how amazing she is doing now that she is home. In fact, she was doing amazing just hours after her surgery. She came home in less than 24 hours and even the nurses were amazed. In fact her nurse that discharged us wanted to make sure she had all the "drugs" she needed just in case and she hasn't needed anything. I gave her Tylenol before bed last night and first thing this morning just because I was sure she needed it, but I really don't think she did. She is an amazingly tough girl. She has 5 incisions on her back and every time she cries I ask her what hurts (she's two so naturally, there's lot of random crying) and every time she shows me a tiny scrape on her finger from a fall last week! I'm thinking...do you even know there are holes and stitches in your back?!?! I'm just praying that she continues to get even better from here on out. God is so good and I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all of the friends and family and strangers that were praying for her and us. It is bringing tears to my eyes right now. We are so blessed and thankful for all of you!
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