Getting ready to go swimming at Grandma's, chewing on Auntie Erin's watch :) |
On August 23rd McKinley will go in for what had better be her last surgery of 2011!!! This is the surgery that will be the final step bringing together all the surgeries of the past. They are hooking up her rectum and we are praying that it works!! She will be admitted on the 23rd for a bowel prep, just like last time, and her surgery will be on the 24th. It is supposed to be a 2-4hr surgery, a breeze compared to the last one! They will take down her ileostomy and we will see our beautiful baby girl without a bag attached to her stomach for the first time since the day she was born! I cannot tell you how excited I am. The bags and I are having a hate-hate relationship right now. I cannot get them to stay on for the life of me so I end up changing her bags 2 or 3 times a day. They should be able to stay on for up to 3 days, but at the very least 24 hours! It's a huge poopy mess and usually happens the minute we wake up so it really starts my day off stressful. And as she gets older she moves more, grabs her bag, gets poop all over everything....ok, no more details, needless to say it's a huge mess and quite frustrating! I will admit that Tony is much better with getting the bags to stay on than I am, but of course they never come off when he's home! It's always when I'm here by myself with a hungry or sleepy Brooks screaming in the background. See, I told you, the bags hate me! :) Anyway, I am counting down the days and repeating to myself only 16 more days, only 15 more days, only 14 more days....
The other awesome part is that once she comes home from the hospital (it's supposed to be about a 5 day stay) she should be done with the hospital for quite some time! We are hoping to make it through the fall and winter with only seeing Children's hospital for clinic visits. She will have to have her vascular ring (heart condition) fixed in early 2012, but even having 6 months between hospital stays will be a huge treat for us. We are so eager to have McKinley home for a stretch of time where she can begin to grow and develop consistently. She has just recently started trying to sit on her own, and she's eating 2 jars of food a day now! She is making such amazing progress. We are so proud of her!
And then there is sweet baby boy Brooks. He is so sensitive. Always hugging and cuddling, a total mommy's boy. He still says "oh wow" & "woah!" and his latest word is "uh-oh" (which actually sounds like "oooh-oooh) I think he's going to start crawling or walking any day now. He loves to walk with help, and he's starting to figure out that he can move by rolling and wiggling. I'm not in a huge hurry though, I have a lot of baby proofing around the house to do!
As always we thank you so much for your prayers. McKinley's surgeries have gone better than expected so far so we are praying for the same result this time. Thank you for keeping up with us and her progress and for keeping her in your prayers!!
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