Brooks eating his first solids! |
Sorry for the late notice but...we're out of the hospital and home again! After a surprise 2 1/2 weeks at Children's, McKinley was released on March 9th. We brought her home with a GJ tube, unable to feed her by mouth and still with symptoms of RSV, but at least we had her home! The first few days were rough with occasional throwing up still, and still having a difficult time breathing, but little by little she started to feel better. And for now, we have our happy, vibrant McKinley back! In a nut shell it was determined that her Gtube was likely placed in the wrong spot, and will need to be replaced. So in the mean time she still has to be fed by her GJ tube on a slow drip, 20 hours a day. One of the many frustrating things about this experience is that McKinley has decided that she will no longer eat by mouth, not at all. I'm sure this is a result of not being fed by mouth for over a month. We will be meeting with physical therapists next week that will hopefully help her learn to eat again. In the mean time, she watches her brother begin to eat solids! That has been quite fun. Brooks wasn't sure about it at first, but has now decided that he can't get enough. In fact, I've had to google what to do if your child won't stop eating! So far he's had rice cereal, oatmeal, chicken, turkey, squash, sweet potatoes, pears and apples. I think the pears are his favorite. :) He has grown into a very sturdy boy that is either insanely happy, or insanely fussy. He certainly is extreme!
We are finally getting the hang of this parenting thing and even maybe having some fun with it?? We are anxious to get past McKinley's next big surgery which will most likely be on June 1st. We are praying that she stays healthy until then because if she doesn't the surgery may be postponed. She has one of the best surgeons and urologists at Children's working on her and since it's an all day surgery, it's very hard to find a day that they both have totally open. So having the surgery postponed could be a real pain.
So for now, we are home as a family, enjoying each other and watching the kids change by the hour it seems. I have finally had enough down time lately to be able to admire these little miracles that we waited so long for. We are truly so blessed!!
Thank you for posting this Jenn, I check it often to see the little princesses updates. I am glad everything is going better and that it continues.